“Judith Clurman has assembled a beautiful musical tapestry woven of superbly performed songs.“

– Broadway World Classical

Coming in April!
Music by Judith Clurman, Robert Sirota, and Matthew Sklar 
Texts by William Schermerhorn
and Victoria R. Sirota

Now Streaming:
HOLIDAY JOY, our latest release on Albany Records

Washington Women on NPR’s Tiny Desk Concert

The Unusual, Tuneful Maestra Meredith
by Jeanne Hill
Available at Amazon!

My personal musical journey (singer turned conductor) inspired Jeanne Greenough Hill, my public school friend, and fellow singer from my high school madrigal group to write this (partially true) story.  I am so touched that she wrote this story and dedicated the book to me. The Unusual, Tuneful Maestra Meredith is suitable for 4-9 year olds who love music! I hope it inspires other children to study singing. Perhaps they might turn into conductors as well! 

“The pinnacle of vocal performance.”

– Broadway World Classical

“A model of choral virtue.”

– The New York Times

“Meticulous attention to detail and exemplary…”

– Stephen Schwartz